Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Almost Famous

I've realized throughout my years in middle and high school that in order for people to know you, you usually have to do something really good and notable or something very bad and notable. Being an above average student who's pretty good at a bunch of things is simply not going to cut it. If you're going to be smart and famous, you had better be really smart. If you want to be famous (or infamous), you need to be that kid who is the captain of debate and varsity basketball, or you have to be that kid who shows up late to every class and who, like clockwork, gets thrown out of every class, every day. Think about it: Nobody acts like a fool just for the sake of being foolish. Underachievers underachieve because they want to be "somebody." They don't want to be that kid who can't hit up the Deadmau5 and Tiesto concerts because he's staying home Saturday night doing quantum mechanics. They want to be famous, to be the cool kids. They don't want to be preoccupied with frivolous and useless activities (such as schoolwork) because they are out there doing "more important things:" They are making a name for themselves.

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